Well I had my first ride back on the road for 10 weeks today with the Sale Early Morning Crew and it was FANTASTIC!. I originally started this blog to write about my frustrations with cycling. the usual ones, how you can never beat a particular person, or a particular course and so for me it was a place to air my happies and sads with cycling. Then I decided to use it as a Nutrition blog and that is how it will be, but not long after I started the nutrition blog, I was studying and I got a new job and had a million things to do so I put the blog on hold for a while
Life has changed and I am still working in my new job and have retired from racing. After my big crash 10 weeks ago, I have promised my parents and my partner that I will ride for fun and not let it stress me out too much anymore. You have to understand that it used to stress me out bigtime on race day and to cut a long story short I am now going to be a recreational cyclist and not race. That will still mean trying to keep up with the fast guys on the training rides, but not with the added pressure of the race. I had my first ride back on the road for ten weeks today and that was fun, except when I put my shoes on I had to clean the blood off them and the flashback of ten weeks ago came into my head, but once I was pedalling the memory of how much I love this quickly came back and I was RIDING AGAIN!
This BLOG is going to go back to a regular blog about NUTRITION and as someone who is doing a Nutrition degree I do know stuff and have a few good reference books to help me too.
So if you want me to write something in particular, email me at judithdove@bigpond.com and I will get to it. The blog will be updated regularly as I did start on some basic topics, I will continue from there starting next week. Hoping to write a weekly update, but will see how it goes from my next post due next week, so be ready for it.
See, cycling can be fun for it's own sake. Looking forward to your nutrition posts.
Glad you are recovered...was wondering how you were making out. I had the same sort of revelation with racing after a crash and a $3,000 hospital bill....as in what the hell am I doing taking silly risks that could turn my life upside down??? I am still hopelessly in transition but thinking seriously of selling off all the racing stuff. Look forward to reading your blog.
Good to see you back....
Ahh riding is fun :-)
Cycling and diet baffles me! I am sure I do it all wrong...I cycle far to quickly and am sure I have a sugar low when I get off the bike (I feel tired - not worn out but sleepy tired)
I generally cant face eating lots...I guess I should go for the sweet food's...or should I go salt....I don't tend to use gel's/powders...Ohh and I do cycle a fairly long way (About 250 miles a week with at least 2 40 miles rides and a 100 ride in the mix)
So should I cram bananas, biscuits, crips or just eat sensibly ?
Thanks jeff...there are a few races that I will miss in paricular (not that I ever starred in them) and I will miss the National Masterz ITT event! :(....But it is a matter of health.
Thanks ItchyBits, I still havent got all my bills sorted yet, I have insurance cover but am so far out of pocket about $1300-00 and I still havent looked at my TT bike which was the one I was riding in the crash!
Hi John, you sound to me like someone who KNOWS what to eat and what not to eat and might be looking for that magic tip that either a) lets you eat something you know is bad, or b) needs a magic formula that you think will mysteriously help improve your cycling too....well the formula is training and do it right and you sound like you need to make a few improvements if you are feeling that fatigue off the bike as in a sugar low....I think that will be my first post in about a week as I have to put it together....
Riding should be fun and not stressful. Glad you're back on the bike.
Good to see you back writing your blog and that u are still only riding socially. What ever u do we will be behind u. Mum & Dad
Thanks Mike J and mum and dad....nice to get the comments......it has been a bit of a tough road though......little bit of post event stress I think.........but overall I am thankful to be feeling good overall.
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