Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sad Today - A not really related to cycling post

Well just a quick note, my mum and dad have been staying with us for five months and they left today (Mothers Day), mum and dad live in this van and travel around and dont have a fixed address and they are headed West so not sure when we get to catch up again. So a bit bleary eyed and sad today.....being an only child and having no real family, it is sad.

It was a tight squeeze to get the van out, but we managed and said bye and they were off into the morning........I am still not on the road on the bike yet as it is 29 days since I broke my collar bone and that is getting better but the cracked ribs hurt a little bit at night (nothing too much but I just have to be patient...yeah right!!!)

It was a serious tight squueze and took a few goes at lining up the car, but finally they were off onto their next time for me to start training for mine.....
Didnt get on the windtrainer tonight, have been upset all day and feel a bit washed out if anything so tomorrow I am back in the game and training again...yes I know just taking it easy and letting my upper body recover, but my legs can still get a work out......


Mike J said...

Good luck on the wind trainer. Not much fun but decent training.

Bluenoser said...

Hey I know you'll miss them but just think of the adventure they are having.

Owww cracked ribs, I remember those, along with a cracked scapula and torn rotator cuff (sic).

Mountain bikes... best left on mountain sides.


ribuck97 said...

Glad you seem to be on a path to a good recovery! Rib injuries are just horrid to deal with. I crashed last year and was out a month due to them. You don't realize how much your chest moves when breathing until you hurt your ribs!

sarah said...

Sounds like your parents are going to have a wonderful adventure! I'm an only child too and have always thought some siblings would have been fun. I'm sure you will feel less sad when you start pedaling and working on your comeback on the bike! =)

A dream that was once lost but now found... said...

Hope you get well soon. Getting on the WT is good for the legs. Just make sure your upper body has healed before you get back on the road. Take care.

Judith said...

Thank you so much everyone for your supportive comments. Is has been a roller coaster for the past few weeks - BUT the good news is I did a full hour on the windtrainer last night - Shane did a Chris Carmichael on his spin bike and I did an hour with three x 5 minute intervals where I bascially went into the big chain ring and did a cadence of 80 (which was hard and I sweated). I thought that would be good for my legs doing like strength endurance stuff..Truth is it was probably a bit too much as I was tired and nearly fell asleep at my computer at 8:30 last night - it was a big day Baby Steps and remember I am not superwoman!!!lol.....Thanks again everyone

Anonymous said...

You are NOT super woman? You mean you had me fooled all this time? LOL

The good news is: you are healing, albeit it may seem slow to you and you had some good times with your parents. Their travel and tales and yours will make for a wonderful reunion whenever it will happen.

Keep training, get stronger but make sure your ribs are healed before you get back out on the road (speaking from experience)

Anonymous said...

You are NOT super woman? You mean you had me fooled all this time? LOL

The good news is: you are healing, albeit it may seem slow to you and you had some good times with your parents. Their travel and tales and yours will make for a wonderful reunion whenever it will happen.

Keep training, get stronger but make sure your ribs are healed before you get back out on the road (speaking from experience)

Judith said...

Thanks GT - It is amazing how many cyclists have a collarbone or rib story......"Everyone has a story" as one of my work colleagues always says.

Donna said...

Hey, thanks so much for your comment about the tri. And, yeah, I was smiling and that IS the point... to have fun and do just a little better than I did last time.

Love the motivational quotes at the top of your blog page... I, too, am a quote junkie. :)

Have a good day


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