Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas Cheer and training

OK just when it seems that the number of hours in the day has been reduced SUBSTANTIALLY, I am on a base building phase - translation long rides and lots of hours. Today was 100km but have done 40 this morning and will do 60 this arvo...have to split it..motivation is ok at the moment....Goals at the moment are:-
- Local crits
- Must get to Melb for a few races in January
- Masters in April/May
Improve track......the list just goes on and on....I have also decided to become a bit more HTML proficient and get the website for the morning crew up and running more, it will take some time to get the basic set up done, but once that is done then updating it should be easy and fun, I can write whatever I like and not necessarily be politically correct....just need more hours in a day.
DEAR SANTA...This Christmas apart from "world peace" and my usual Christmas requests (involving chocolate), could you please just throw a couple of extra hours into every day just until the end of January, then I should have a few things sorted.

"Happiness is the result of being too busy to be miserable"

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